Is your dream for smaller waist giving you sleepless nights or taking you away from all that you want to enjoy in life? If you are struggling to fit into that pretty LBD you bought last year and nothing helped while you tried to take some inches off your waistline, then trust me, you are not alone! If fad diet has not done much to melt off your pooch, then this article might give you an insight of what might help you to get into a better shape!

Here we go!

Eat right

As they say, “You are what you eat,” and this stands true when it comes to reducing inches off your waist. Include soluble fibers such as avocados, blackberries, legumes etc. in your diet. The best part of soluble fibers is that they help you stay full and keep your hunger pangs away.

Include more protein

High protein intake keeps your full for longer, increases metabolism and decreases appetite. Be sure to include a good protein source at every meal, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, whey protein or nuts.

Guzzle Water

Apart from hydrating your body, water regulates your body’s metabolic rate, helps your body run more efficiently, de-toxifies your body, decreases bloating and burns fat faster. Increase water, fruit and vegetable juice intake to enhance the cleansing of toxins. But, in the name of hydrating your body, don’t chug aerated drinks, sugary beverages, caffeinated drinks and packaged drinks.

Say no to processed foods

Foods like white bread, crackers, chips, packaged foods, desserts increase inflammation in our body and this causes extra flab around midriff. Instead, nosh fruits, salads with fresh vegetables, foods containing whole grains etc which have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which, in turn, help your body prevent storing belly fat.

Include good fats

Include those especially rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as avocados, flax seeds, leafy green veggies, kidney beans, fish, and walnuts. Avoid saturated fats, and include moderate amounts of unsaturated fats. Don’t deprive yourself of carbohydrates and fats, but have moderate amounts of chocolates, cheese, butter and yogurt. Try selecting low fat cheese such as soft cheese, low fat butter and yogurt. Dairy products do provide a good source of calcium required for the body, hence, don’t cut them off completely.

Watch your plate

Limit your portions. Try eating frequently in small portions so that your body doesn’t go into starvation mode. Dividing your meals into six to eight smaller meals instead of three bigger meals, keeps your body fueled and gain nutrition. Including fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C will help you boost the immune system and reduce stress, a major contributor towards fat accumulation. Vitamin C will biochemically help to counteract the negative effects of stress.


Simple aerobic exercises like brisk walking, swimming, jogging should be followed as part of your daily physical activities but when it comes to trimming your midsection, you need to push your limits further. What we mean by this includes something more than traditional exercises such as resistance training, weight training, strength training, high intensity interval training (HIIT) etc to reduce the fat by burning sufficient calories and gaining muscle mass. Such workouts utilize fat as fuel and, hence, efficient calories are burnt off quickly and steadily. Certain breathing techniques followed in yoga can help to reduce the stress as well, thus encouraging fat loss.

Download the workout chart to lose belly fat in 4 weeks.


Sleep well

No matter how stressed you are or a busy schedule you follow, ensure you get 7 to 8 hours of adequate sleep. Irregular sleeping patterns may disturb the hormonal activity and lead to accumulation of fat around the belly. Late night sleep disrupts the biorhythm and you tend to eat more and eat junk that is high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Irregular sleeping patterns despite following physical activities will do no good to you in terms of achieving your goal.

Now that you are armed with everything that you require to achieve that sexy flat abs, get ready to embrace the sweats, let the pain shine as the best of your achievements and in a month’s time, you emerge as a winner after defeating that stubborn belly fat.

Workouts and eating habits suggested in this article may vary from one individual to another depending on health conditions, age etc. Hence, Gympik recommends to consult your dietician and fitness trainer before following any diet or fitness plan.


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