In the rush of gobbling up your lame excuse of a breakfast while simultaneously turning the closet upside down as you’re trying to decide what to wear for work/college, the cloud of stress that is looming over your head is getting thicker and darker by the minute. You’re not doing yourself any favours by worrying about how the day is going to go, what mood your boss/teacher will be in, the looming Friday deadline for that project you’re having trouble finishing and any expected unexpected bumps along the way; rather, you’re only making it worse. Relax. Breathe. And here are 3 steps that you can take to make your mornings absolutely stress free!


There’s something about starting the day with a few sets of push-ups or a 30 minute brisk walk that elevates your spirit and calms down your nerves. It helps you to think and plan the day more reasonably without the initial panic setback. Also, taking care of your physical fitness plays a huge role in your psychological wellness. Boosted self-esteem, increased confidence, a calm demeanor and refined charisma are some of the positive side effects of exercising regularly.


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Whoever came up with the proverb ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ must have known exactly what he was saying (and doing). He must also most probably be of very sound health- body and mind. So heed this wise saying and fuel your body with a proper meal at the beginning of each day, complemented by fresh juices and plenty of water.Food

Music heals:

It’s true. Make your own playlist of your favourite music and listen to it every morning as you workout, shower, get dressed, commute and feel the difference as you walk through the doors of your workplace/classroom. Be very selective when choosing the music; keep in mind that it should help you relax.

Music heals

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Most importantly, will yourself to try these simple yet effective steps to cope with stress from this day forward – exercise, food, music. Found this article helpful? Then don’t forget to like and share. Any thoughts are welcome in the comments section below.


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