This is for all the women out there! We have been neglecting this, getting pissed off with its upsetting appearance and the trouble we face every single day just at the sight of this uncomfortable situation! So here it is, “This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten” and we’ll reveal about what normal vaginal discharge and all you needed to know about this.

What is Vaginal Discharge?

Vaginal discharge can be gallingly upsetting, but fret not, there are some conditions that can be treated. The reason why you might be getting vaginal discharge is that girls get vaginal discharge post puberty as the female hormone, oestrogen, causes the vagina to produce secretions that help the vagina stay moist, lubricated, supple, and clean, thus preventing microorganisms from multiplying. This kind of vaginal discharge is clear and white. During menstruation and prior to that, vaginal discharge is not that acidic, rather it is least acidic and causes infections to occur more than the normal times, the low pH balance helps protect the vagina from bacterial infections. The secretions are mostly a combination of lubricating discharge. The consistency is generally water, innocuous and clear from menstruation to mid-cycle. The consistency and colour change during ovulation; also, the consistency becomes a little ‘mucousy’ and the flow heavier, compared to the rest of the days. Post ovulation, the flow of the discharge comes down as the progesterone-secreting mass, corpus luteum that builds up in the egg follicle. During this time, the colour of the discharge becomes cream white or off white with a little bit of yellow tint sometimes and is generally thicker in consistency compared to the rest of the time of the month.

vaginal Discharge

When it happens?

Normally, women are introduced to vaginal discharges during their teenage.  The flow is heavier than normal during their twenties as the oestrogen level is on the higher side. This is the reason why women ushering in menopause, the vaginal discharge reduces as the oestrogen level goes down.

What is Abnormal Vaginal Discharge?

Generally, vaginal discharge is common among women, but when it is more than normal, lower pH level, inappropriate smelling, burning, itching, causes pelvic pain inflamed vagina or irritation near vagina, or post-intercourse bleeding, it can also be caused by Bacterial vaginosis (BV) or vaginal bacteriosis. This can be experienced during the age of 15 to 44 years among normal women. Though BV has not particular symptoms and is not considered as fatal, but if this is not treated on time, the chances of complications may arise. Moreover, Vaginal Thrush that is caused by candida, a fungus, can be considered as another reason for abnormal vaginal discharge. Candida, typically in fewer numbers, resides in vagina innocuously, only when it comes under certain conditions, candida can cause thrush and worsen the complications. Thrush can also be caused due to diabetes, excessive antibiotic use, pregnancy, weak immunity, and wearing uncomfortable, synthetic, or unhygienic underwear.

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What are the reasons behind Abnormal Vaginal Discharge?

The exact reasons behind abnormal vaginal discharge have not been detected yet, but they can vary from smoking, a forgotten tampon inside the vagina, unprotected sex, multiple sexual partners, and vaginal douching. This can be treated with a course of antibiotics or vaginal cream. Moreover, if the vaginal discharge has blood in it or is blood-stained, consultation with the doctor is recommended as this can also be a symptom of cervical cancer. You can also get urine swab or urine test done to be on the safer side.


You should consult your medic, if you experience any of these:

  • Change in the colour, smell, or flow of your discharge.
  • Your discharge has blood-stains apart from your menstrual flow.
  • Itchiness, soreness, swelling, and pain around your vagina.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen along with the flow, pain during intercourse.
  • If you are trying to conceive or pregnant and having unusual vaginal discharge.
  • If the symptoms don’t reduce even after treatment.

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How to reduce the risk of vaginal problems at home?

Most of the vaginal discharges are normal, but its better when you are on the safer size with lesser chances of developing major infections that may require medical treatment. So, you can follow a few safety measures to get rid of the uncomfortable situations:

  • Limit the usage of vaginal douches, soaps, antiseptics, or any chemical products in your vagina.
  • Wear comfortable cotton underwear.
  • Thoroughly dry the area post regular showers, swimming etc.
  • Wash your genital and wipe off the area with toilet paper or tissue.

Well, we have numerous things to worry about in life and this shouldn’t take away the essence of living life ‘Queen Size’! If you have read this, you know that freaking out won’t help, rather heading to your medic will. So, stay healthy, fit, and happy and we will get back to you with many such interesting articles. If you liked this article, don’t forget to like and share. Have something in mind? Go whole hog and share your thoughts in the comments section below.



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