After a rigorous sesh session, you go home happy, thinking that you have burnt huge amount of calories. But, is it exactly what it actually is? Let’s dig a little deeper to find out how our body responds and why you sweat while the case may be, you are not burning calories at all!

Reasons why we sweat

Sweating is body releasing water to cool down the system in situations when the internal temperature of our body increases due to exhaustive muscle workout or vigorous physical activity. Moreover, normal activity in a humid and hot weather could also accelerate excessive sweating. This actually helps you lose water weight. Sweating can also depend on a few factors like the cloth you are wearing during workout, how intensely you are exercising, and how much body fat you have as fat also accelerates sweat. Moreover, sweating depends on the body, DNA, age, sex, fitness level, or any physical instability such as high or low blood pressure etc.

Typically, a particular activity doesn’t cause a person to sweat until the heart rate comes to 80% of the age-adjusted maximum. Therefore, sweating doesn’t primarily indicate burning loads of calories but can generally be comprehended as a bodily action to avoid overheating.

So, here you are folks! Get to know the indications or the proper ways of burning calories.


Follow the perfect technique

Whether you are attending a fun Zumba class, cardio session or strength training— perfecting the moves and forms can help you burn more calories. Perfecting and executing a move or technique doesn’t necessarily mean that you will sweat heavily, but it ensures you build muscles and burn calories in a right way.

Follow the perfect technique

Your Tummy says it all

After an intense sweat sesh, if you are ravenous, it might be the sign that you have rightly followed the techniques and gave your muscles a good jolt. And that is the reason why your body is screaming to get refueled with nutrients. A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) helps the body burn more calories and makes you feel less hungry as the body produces less ghrelin or hunger hormone; whereas, a low-intensity training if practiced for a longer period of time induces hunger.

Your Tummy says it all

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Focus on Your Heart Rate

Your heart rate is one of the factors responsible for measuring your calorie burn. The higher your heart rate is, the more calories you burn.  Therefore, a high-intensity training program boosts your metabolism and help burning calories even when you are at rest.

Focus on Your Heart Rate

Feel the Afterburn

How many calories you burn also depends on how you feel post workout. When you feel like your heart is coming out of your mouth and you are almost drowning in your own sweat during the session, but you don’t feel any exhaustion in your muscles, your workout goes down the drain. Ideally, when you workout really hard and your muscles feel fatigued or sore, it is an indication that you are reaping the benefits of your workout.

Feel the Afterburn

You May Also Like: After-burn effect: Burn calories even long after working out

Hope we have clarified the myth on sweating and actually burning calories. Now that you know what can accelerate your calorie burn, run that extra mile to make it happen. After all, your sweat worth those chiseled abs, isn’t it?


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