Days 6/13/20/27

A.M. or P.M. –Abs, Legs

Cable Crunch (as on Day 1)

3 sets to failure; 30-second rest.

hanging-leg-raiseHanging Leg Raise

Hang from a chin-up bar with both arms extended at arm’s length in top of you using either a wide grip or a medium grip. The legs should be straight down with the pelvis rolled slightly backwards. This will be your starting position. Raise your legs until the torso makes a 90-degree angle with the legs. Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the contraction for a second or so. Go back slowly to the starting position as you breathe in.

3 sets to failure; 30-second rest.

Seated Calf Raise

Sit on the machine and place your toes on the lower portion of the platform provided with the heels extending off. Choose the toe positioning of your choice. Place your lower thighs under the lever pad, which will need to be adjusted according to the height of your thighs. Now place your hands on top of the lever pad in order to prevent it from slipping forward. Lift the lever slightly by pushing your heels up and release the safety bar. This will be your starting position. Slowly lower your heels by bending at the ankles until the calves are fully stretched. Inhale as you perform this movement. Raise the heels by extending the ankles as high as possible as you contract the calves and breathe out. Hold the top contraction for a second.

3 sets; 10 reps; 60-second rest.

standing-calf-raiseStanding Calf Raises

Adjust the padded lever of the calf raise machine to fit your height. Place your shoulders under the pads provided and position your toes facing forward. The balls of your feet should be secured on top of the calf block with the heels extending off it. Push the lever up by extending your hips and knees until your torso is standing erect. The knees should be kept with a slight bend; never locked. Toes should be facing forward, outwards or inwards as described at the beginning of the chapter. This will be your starting position. Raise your heels as you breathe out by extending your ankles as high as possible and flexing your calf. Ensure that the knee is kept stationary at all times. Hold the contracted position by a second before you start to go back down. Go back slowly to the starting position as you breathe in by lowering your heels as you bend the ankles until calves are stretched.

8 sets; 8 reps; 30-second rest.

Lying Leg Curls

Adjust the machine lever to fit your height and lie face down on the leg curl machine with the pad of the lever on the back of your leg. Keeping the torso flat on the bench, ensure your legs are fully stretched and grab the side handles of the machine. Keep your toes straight. This will be your starting position. As you exhale, curl your legs up as far as possible without lifting the upper legs from the pad. Once you hit the fully contracted position, hold it for a second. As you inhale, bring the legs back to the initial position.

3 sets; 12, 9, 6 reps; 90-second rest.

Leg Press

leg-pressUsing a leg press machine, sit down on the machine and place your legs on the platform directly in front of you at a medium (shoulder width) foot stance. Lower the safety bars holding the weighted platform in place and press the platform all the way up until your legs are fully extended in front of you. Your torso and the legs should make a perfect 90-degree angle. This will be your starting position. As you inhale, slowly lower the platform until your upper and lower legs make a 90-degree angle. Pushing mainly with the heels of your feet and using the quadriceps go back to the starting position as you exhale.

Sets of 12 reps (until you can longer complete 12 reps); 90-second rest.

Hack Squat

Place the back of your torso against the back pad of the machine and hook your shoulders under the shoulder pads provided. Position your legs in the platform using a medium stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Place your arms on the side handles of the machine and disengage the safety bars. Straighten your legs without locking the knees. This will be your starting position. Begin to slowly lower the unit by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up (back on the pad at all times). Continue down until the angle between the upper leg and the calves becomes slightly less than 90-degrees (which is the point in which the upper legs are below parallel to the floor). Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement. Begin to raise the unit as you exhale by pushing the floor with mainly with the heel of your foot as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.

3 sets; 15 reps; 90-second rest.

Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift

Grasp a bar using an overhand grip (palms facing down). You may need some wrist wraps if using a significant amount of weight. Stand with your torso straight and your legs spaced using a shoulder width or narrower stance. The knees should be slightly bent. This is your starting position. Keeping the knees stationary, lower the barbell to the top of your feet while bending at the hips and keeping your back straight. Keep moving forward and inhale as you perform this movement. As you exhale, bring your torso straight up again by extending your hips until you are back at the starting position.

3 sets; 15 reps; 90-second rest.

Days 7/14/21/28

Complete Rest

washboard-absSo there you go- your workout bucket-list for the next 30 days to gain awesome abs you always thought were impossible for you to achieve. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a walk in the park. You need serious guidance and mentoring from trained professionals and, not to forget, the right equipment. Visit a gym near you and register yourself. Also, get the advice of an expert nutritionist or dietician to arm yourself with the correct diet plan that will complement your workout regime. You can even keep a track of your daily fitness state by using tools that are easily accessible in your phone or tab through the services of online fitness service providers like

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A voracious reader, a romantic at heart, and is hopelessly enraptured by the power of words, the richness of simplicity, and beauty of storytelling.


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