How often should you work out each week?

Human existence is full of questions that we never ask or never get answers of. Some questions can be as debatable as “Who came first? Egg or chicken?” which...

Are Muscle Building Supplements safe?

Sportsmen, athletes, and body builders often resort to supplements to enhance performance, endurance, and to gain muscle. It is commonly advised by unqualified fitness trainers without obtaining a clear...

Postpartum concerns for working mothers

Postpartum care that focuses on the well-being of the mother and her new-born is given a special importance in India. According to medical science, it is true that depriving...

6 white foods that aren’t so bad after all!

It’s time to stop stereotyping when it comes to white foods. White foods like sugar, rice, bread, and noodles are generally unpopular because they are high in sugar and...

6 Terrific Wonders Of Coconut Water

The scorching heat is becoming more and more unforgiving each day and we are trying anything and everything, conventional and unconventional alike, to deal with it. For someone who...
Think Health, Think Purple!

Think Health, Think Purple!

What has colour got to do with health?  The answer, as many expert dietitians and doctors would agree that the benefits are, “plenty”! Colors on fruits and vegetables are...