Working your muscles will obviously put a strain on them resulting in the depletion of a lot of important vitamins, hydrating electrolytes, carbs, and specifically antioxidants. Your body needs replenishment from good sugars and nutrients which is why you will see athletes chugging on coconut water and eating fruits after a run or workout. The latest research has found that beer has almost as many antioxidants as red wine, besides sugary carbs, a hint of electrolytes, and a few helpful plant-based nutrients that come from the hops, yeast, and barley.

Studies show that alcohol does have an adverse impact on workout recovery – it leaves you dehydrated and hinders muscle recovery. But if you’re the beer lover, a pint or two of dark beer a few hours after workout should be okay as long as you reach out for water and a healthy snack, immediately after your workout. If you’re lifting in the morning and drinking beer in the evening, you should be okay on strength gains.

Worried about gaining a beer belly? Fret not but heed hard – “If your energy intake (the amount you drink) is greater than your energy expenditure, then the increased daily intake will induce weight gain,” says Evelyn Parr, a Ph.D. candidate in exercise and nutrition at Australian Catholic University. Long story short, if we’re talking about a pint, you’re okay to go! Cheers!