New Year Resolutions are not new to anyone and, no matter how much some people scorn them, no one can deny that they have, at least once, made some resolutions at some point in their lives. The same goes for fitness resolutions. And it is not surprising that most of them are made around the same time a new year approaches.

There is no shame in that and there shouldn’t be. Any thought to better oneself and making plans to follow it through should always be welcome. The important thing is to see yourself through it. The causes for so many resolution failures are few but the consequence is huge. Failure to stick to your plan to achieve your goals will lead you to have low-esteem and frustration which will affect your productivity at work and may even cause you to have a pessimistic outlook on life.

In this post, we shall help you look at a few tips that will make resolutions seem not so formidable after all.

Set realistic goals

Logic is crucial when making resolutions. “Lose 5 Kgs in 6 months” and “carve perfect 6-pack abs in a year” are all great goals to have but it makes more sense to start with something you have more control over. For instance, “prepare healthier meals”, “eat out only once a week”, and “workout out 5 days a week” are good goals to focus on. By focusing on what you can control, you’re less likely to throw in the towel.

Be specific

If you have decided to “eat healthier”, the next step is to specify your intention. “Include more greens in my diet” is a good way to start. Specifying helps you to define your goals better and, hence, helps you to plan a more definitive action. Try this and you’re more likely to see results.

Differentiate between short term and long term goals

“Getting shredded for the beach” is a fine goal to have but if you don’t have a greater purpose, any short term goal may not hold as much meaning and you might end up giving it up altogether. Start by having a 5-days-a-week workout plan and you may incorporate or substitute any special workout into the routine anytime depending on the season, body requirement, and your want.

In this way, you will be able to achieve short term goals without adversely affecting your long term goals. Besides, variety in your routine will lessen boredom and monotony.

Don’t dwell on shortcomings

Everyone falls off the wagon one time or the other. The important thing is to not dwell on the failure but to focus on how to get back up. And, believe me, just getting back up means half the battle won. If you happened to cheat on your diet last Christmas, don’t be too hard on yourself. Own the error, move on and keep on moving.

Celebrate achievements (big and small)celebrate-victories

No matter how many times you falter, there will always be something you did right. Celebrate that victory, no matter how tiny, because it is the smallest of achievements that keep you focused and determined to keep going and who knows, come year end 2016, you’ll be celebrating the big ones!

So there you go – something to make you feel better after the holidays and something to look forward to in the new year! Don’t forget to consult a certified trainer before starting any workout regimen or before making changes to your existing one. Visit to find top fitness centres in your area, and even get your very own personal trainer!