How many of us take resolutions every year to join the gym for a fitter body and fail miserably at the time of sticking to that fitness regimen? The number will not be very less if we go by headcount. Some of us might have swamped over by loads of suggestions on how an early morning routine works wonders and helps in gushing forth energy, or how a rigorous workout at gym after work can help you get the svelte body. Yup, we can hear you sigh! We understand the time constraint you have in day-to-day life. And that’s why we bring you some simple tips on how you can burn calories without even realizing that you are doing so. Up for it? Let’s move on to scratch from start and make our daily work worth the sweat.  


Play with a kid

If you are a Mom you can understand how grueling this can be. Else, try spending some time with your little nephew or niece or ask your neighbor to send her kid for some time to play with you. These bunch of energy packed little champs can make you huff and puff with their adept skills in making any game seem like an exercise for their elder counterparts. The best part is you get to enjoy a lot; even when playing peek-a-boo you get caught and see the cute dimples protrude with hysterical giggle!

Calories you burn: On an average 400 calories per hour.washcar

Wash your car

It’s not going to turn the heat up as shown in movies! We hate to break your heart but don’t be overly creative with this! It’s just a normal car wash, and a rigorous one, where you have to clean the car meticulously and burn some calories. You can guess how much calories you burnt only by looking at the sweat that poured off your body.  

Calories you burn: Approximately 300 calories per hour.



Cook it up

Sounds interesting, isn’t it? Cooking involves a lot of work from cutting vegetables, washing them, sautéing etc. and here you have to be careful about how long you want to bake or fry or boil any particular food item. All these, by continuously standing on both your feet. So, next time your friend asks you to order food from outside, surprise them by cooking meals for all. It’s a win win for you and of course for your friends too!

Calories you burn: On an average 200 calories per hour.


Clean your house

It’s not without any reason our Moms say, “Do your own work to stay fit.” Cleaning your house can prove hard on your nicely laden fats as dusting, sweeping, mopping involves some grueling tasks for your muscles and hence burns a lot of calories.

Calories you burn: Approximately 240 calories per hour.


walkdogWalk your dog

Okay, this is for those who have a pup at home. If not, you can try requesting your neighbor to allow you to walk their puppy. The love and blessing you will be poured with by doing this to your neighbors will suffice to escape at least a couple of misdeeds you have done in the past. Walking a dog is not as easy as you think it is, since it is a mix of running, walking, dragging, pulling and pushing; and the calorie you burn by doing this is worth all the hard work.  

Calories you burn: Approximately 400 calories per hour.takestairs

Take the stairs

It’s such a crucial sight when the door closes between you and the jam-packed elevator! Forget the pain and embrace your fitness needs, folks! The staircase is a better option to look out for if you are planning to burn some calories.

Calories you burn: Approximately 0.17 calories per step.


WithoutWorkout-Dance (1)Dance like nobody’s watching

Love to shake your body while doing karaoke on Rihanna’s latest number? Great! Give your body a good nudge everyday on your favorite tunes whenever you get some time and see your fat crying. Don’t miss any party where you get a chance to shake your legs. It’s a great fat buster and energy booster as well.

Calories you burn: Approximately 450 calories per hour.

gardeningGet your hands dirty, Go Gardening

It’s time we make the world greener with our little contribution that can also help us in return by burning a few calories. Digging beds, seeding, planting, manuring all might seem simple but it involves a lot of effort, be it physical and psychological, and also improves mental and physical health. The satisfaction you get from seeing your plants grow and shine in all glory, gives you the utmost pleasure that actually motivate you to carry this hobby on for all the goodness it delivers.

Calories you burn: Approximately 350-400 calories per hour.

Folks, we have come up with these solutions that can help you burn a few calories and stay healthy. But, if you are looking for the best gyms and wellness centers near your place, click here to find the best centers near you.



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