Did you know that the liver is the only internal organ in the body that can repair itself? And yet there are conditions from which even the liver finds it hard to recover, one such condition is the fatty liver disease. This is a condition when the fat in the liver exceeds 10% of the organ’s weight. To avoid the risk of serious damage to the liver, it is important to address this condition.

This is also a good time to address a myth that only alcoholics are a risk of liver disease. The truth is that fatty liver can affect both alcoholics and non-alcoholics. Whereas in the former, it is often caused due to excessive consumption of alcohol, in the case of non-alcoholic cases, this is often due to obesity, hereditary or even diabetes.

The good news is that fatty liver is reversible and diet plays a key role in this process. In this article we have compiled a list of food which can help you turn the tables on the fatty liver disease:

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1. Coffee

Studies have shown that coffee has a positive effect for patients suffering from chronic liver diseases. People who drank coffee regularly had relatively less liver damage than the rest. In fact, it was observed during experiments that coffee reduces fat accumulation in the liver while promoting antioxidant properties. However, you have to exercise caution in your coffee intake since too much of coffee too can have adverse effects on your body.

2. Green Vegetables

Green leafy veggies like spinach, brussel sprouts, kale reduce toxin in the liver while promoting liver enzyme production. In fact, green leafy vegetables are also rich in various vitamins and minerals that also help you lose weight and boost your body’s overall immunity.

Diet to reduce fatty liver

3. Tofu

Studies have shown that soy protein can significantly reduce fat accumulation and triglycerides in the liver. Not just that but the soy protein in Tofu can also significantly improve your cardiovascular health by reducing LDL cholesterol while reducing the risk of colon and prostate cancer.

Diet to reduce fatty liver

4. Fish

If you are a big fan of fish, we have some good news for you. Fishes like Salmon and Tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce liver fat while optimising liver enzyme level. Omega-3 fatty acids also have other benefits like lowering blood fat and alleviating stiffness and joint pain in the body.

Diet to reduce fatty liver


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5. Garlic

Try including more garlic into your daily diet. The presence of allicin, a sulphur compound, is a powerful antioxidant, antibiotic and antifungal substance. In addition, studies have also shown that consumption of garlic on a regular basis can help decrease body fat mass which in turn can reduce the fatty liver.

Diet to reduce fatty liver

If you are wondering about how to include these food items in your diet, our expert dietician has prepared this diet chart that will help you in your fight against fatty liver.

In addition to the above food items, we also encourage a complete change in lifestyle including complete elimination of alcohol and junk food from the diet as well as regular workouts. In fact, various studies and clinical trials have shown that an excessive intake of carbohydrates, especially fructose, is the main culprit for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. With the combination of a balanced diet, regular workout as well as a disciplined lifestyle, you will be able to recover from the fatty liver in no time!


  1. Liver is the second most important organ of the body. It is very important to take proper and healthy diet meal to keep liver healthy. Through given article information, anyone can make their proper diet plan & can save their liver from fat.

  2. Great article on the Gympik website about five foods that help you recover from fatty liver disease! This is important information for anyone who cares about their health and wants to keep their liver in good shape. When we talk about health and well-being, we should not forget about the environment around us. In this context, I would like to mention Textair conditioner cleaning company that will help maintain optimal indoor air quality and improve overall comfort and health.

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