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Way Fitness Academy Noida Sector 41, Noida

08046800092 (Dial Extension : 6550)

Activities at Way Fitness Academy - Noida Sector 41

Health Benefits

  • Improves cardiovascular functioning.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Increases stamina, balance and focus.
  • Challenges mental and physical strength.
  • Helps in weight loss.

Average Calorie Burn

  • 600 Calories/hour


  • 8-12 weeks

Good reads on Aerobics Jazzercise

  • NA

Health Benefits

  • Relaxes and calms your mind and body.
  • De-stresses.
  • Effects your psychological wellbeing.
  • Improves concentration.

Average Calorie Burn

  • NA


  • NA

Good reads on Meditation

  • NA

Health Benefits

  • Benefits both the mind and body.
  • Helps achieve mental, physical and spiritual discipline.
  • Increases flexibility.
  • Strengthens and tones muscles.
  • Helps in weight loss.
  • Improves concentration and focus.

Average Calorie Burn

  • 250-400 Calories/hour


  • 8-12 weeks

Good reads on Yoga

  • "10 Mistakes Youre Making in Yoga Class Unknowingly (https://www.gympik.com/articles/10-mistakes-youre-making-yoga-class-unknowingly-2/)"
  • How to Choose the Right Yoga Class for you? (https://www.gympik.com/articles/choosing-the-right-yoga-class/)"
  • 6 Health Benefits of Yoga (https://www.gympik.com/articles/6-health-benefits-of-yoga/)"

Health Benefits

  • Burns calories.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Promotes better posture.
  • Helps in effective weight loss.
  • Strengthens and tones the muscles.

Average Calorie Burn

  • 600-750 Calories/hour


  • 8-12 weeks

Good reads on Kickboxing

  • "Martial Arts Training (https://www.gympik.com/articles/martial-arts-training/)"

Health Benefits

  • Increase in body weight.
  • Could indicate high muscle mass.
  • Increse in body fats and or fluids.

Average Calorie Burn

  • NA


  • NA

Good reads on Weight Gain

  • "Workout Regimen and Diet guide for Weight Gain."
  • The right way to gain weight."

Health Benefits

  • A physical fitness regimen to build muscles.
  • Better muscular strength and endurance.
  • Increases fat and calorie burn.
  • Long lasting results.

Average Calorie Burn

  • 300-500 Calories/hour


  • 8-12 weeks

Good reads on Body Building

  • "5 reasons muscle building is for everybody (https://www.gympik.com/articles/5-reasons-muscle-building-everybody/)"
  • 5 Best Foods For Muscle Building (https://www.gympik.com/articles/5-best-foods-muscle-building/)"
  • 5 crucial steps to muscle building (https://www.gympik.com/articles/5-crucial-steps-muscle-building/)"

Health Benefits

  • Weight loss is when body loses weight. This can involve factors like certain medicinal intake, poor health condition, lack of physical fitness etc.

Average Calorie Burn

  • NA


  • NA

Good reads on Weight Loss

  • NA

Health Benefits

  • Certified and Trained Experts.
  • Research based techniques and guidance.

Average Calorie Burn

  • NA


  • 8-12 weeks

Good reads on Certified Trainers

  • NA

Health Benefits

  • Designed for different groups differently.
  • Tailor made workouts for similar fitness goals.

Average Calorie Burn

  • NA


  • 8-12 weeks

Good reads on Group Classes

  • 5 Reasons for you to take up Group Exercise classes.
See More

Facilities at Way Fitness Academy - Noida Sector 41

Cardio Theatre
Changing Room
Personal Training
Way Fitness Academy Hours
Timings Morning Evening
Weekdays 5:00 AM - 12:00 PM 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Weekend 5:00 AM - 12:00 PM 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Way Fitness Academy Reviews

3.5 | Reviewed on 2018-01-18 (2382 days ago) |

Hi not going good ,

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